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Buzzkill (Members):
Lyndsey Boggs
Catlyn Koehler
Tyler King
Naomi Law-Korngay

Kill The Rogue (Members):
Jordan Brown
Ross Hall
Jacob Riggs
Kevin Albregard
Marlon Marrow
Jacob "V" Greffin
Dylan Combs
Daniel McWhorter
John Pratt

Degree Objectives:


Demonstrate and communicate aesthetic skills and choices based on traditional art theories and current game development practices and next generation research.

Conceptualize and generate pre-production art assets through pre-visualization and prototypes usable for multiple game platforms.

Demonstrate the core skills needed to create 2D and 3D art assets, textures, and animations utilizing industry-standard software tools.

Create industry quality 2D and 3D art assets (such as characters, props, textures, environment elements, and collision objects) or animations (keyframed and motion capture character, environmental and FX) for use in game projects utilizing industry-standard software tools, pipelines, and platform guidelines.

Adapt, export, integrate, and optimize game art and animation assets (including shaders and lighting) into 2D and 3D game projects working within a production pipeline and the confines of a project’s game engine, tools and other constraints.

Establish collaboration, mentorship, and professional leadership skills by working with other disciplines to deliver highly polished and completed projects.


Community Contribution


Last year was one of the worst years of my life, and not for the usual reasons that become obvious if you read the news. No, I had gotten to a point of depression that was so bad that I had attempted taking my own life. Progress has been okay-to-nice since then, and I am back into a place in my life where I feel excited to make art again.

I’ve had a bit of a rough ride over the last few years, with many highs and a lot of lows. Amidst all of the depressive issues that I’ve faced in the last 2 years, I haven’t lost my aspirations. My personal aspiration is to shine as a pixel animation artist, and that’s what I tend to grasp onto in life. Outside of school and hobbies, my other personal aspiration is to keep close to my family, and try to work things out within myself and my family.

I say this while going on to say that while I am still changing my life for the better, I still want to help others do the same as well. I have been attending group therapy sessions to learn more about people with similar issues to my own. In addition to this, I have been talking with friends and hosting art therapy sessions to help people meditate and create. We don’t offer a lot, but on a monthly basis, we meet together online and try to get others in need of some community and meditation to create digital art.

Some of our art is done individually in group session, and others we will work together to create one art-piece made in a group effort.

While I don’t imagine this will last forever, we have gotten a few people together for a couple hours at a time, and we all just let our creativity flow. If it ever does turn into something bigger, I only hope that it can help more people to come. I’m already happy with where we have gotten so far. I feel like helping even just one person, makes it all worth it.

Something that I want to get into, in the future, is LGBT+ artist communities. After coming out to my parents in Junior year (high school), I’ve found myself attending some local LGBT+ communities.

Wanting to further this aspiration, I think getting into, and participating in these communities meant of artists would be both good for myself, and good to help out where I can in creating art for the future together. I’d possibly like to even look into working with The Center (Arts & Culture (, a community driven towards LGBT+ art and communities.

And that’s my ambition. I know it’s not long, and probably not much, but I’m happy that you’ve taken the time to read this. Thank you, and have a great day!

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